35 Weeks and My First Stumble

Week 35 and 35 first drafts!

Well, almost.

I actually met with my first deadline failure. I was chugging along strong this week. I had the idea. It was actually a very old idea, an idea that I’ve had since I was a child. I started writing and it seemed as if things were going to be pretty easy. Heck, this story had been floating around in the back of my head for 30-35 years. So, I slowed down. Tuesday came and It wasn’t written yet. I did an early Tuesday morning crunch, but the story wouldn’t come out. It’s always worked before. I had the story in my head, but the words wouldn’t come together.

What to do? I trashed it. I started a completely new story. This one was inspired by a pencil sketch I had just completed.

The problem?

It just cried out for rhyme. There was no other way to tell the story. Rhyme can take a long time to get right. So here I am. Thursday morning and still no story. It’s coming along, but it’s not there yet.

All this really means is that I’ll have less time to come up with an idea, and scribble it onto paper, next week. This isn’t really a worry, but I don’t want it to become a habit. Good habits are so hard to develop in the first place. I’d say a first draft a week is a pretty good habit.

35 weeks! Did I mention that? 35 first drafts (almost) written, and 17 weeks to go. Wow! I’m so excited I’ve made it this far.

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