What Makes Me Happy Today

I’ve been taking a break from creating new material. With 52 first drafts in my back pocket, I have plenty to work with.

My goals for this year are to start submitting to agents and publishers. To do this, I need great material to submit. So it’s revision time. I am going through all of my favorite first drafts and turning them into wonderful little books. It’s going great, and I have lots to choose from so far.

The is one hitch in my plan. And this hitch is what is making me happy today.

I keep writing new stuff. My idea list grows every day. Somedays I can’t just let it lie there as an item on a list. I immediately sit down and create a new first draft.

This is a great sign. I’m creating new material even when it is my plan to not create new material.

So … the 52 First Drafts Project was even more of a success than I knew. It has changed my brain into a one that wants to create instead of a brain that was being told to create.

This may be the biggest win so far.

One thought on “What Makes Me Happy Today

  1. David

    A remarkable year for you. Having seen some of your original work I would love to see all 52 of the new works. Let me know if I can help with anything. The writing of the last year is captivating. Continue for big kids too!!!

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