New Posts

I’m finding it harder to find topics for my blog.

It’s much harder than finding ideas for my stories. I can easily think up unique, interesting, fun, usable stories every week for my picture books. How is that?

I’m thinking all the time. I am a quiet solitary person by nature. I have lots of think time. But somehow that does not translate into blog ideas. Or things to tweet on Twitter. Or Things to say on Facebook. Or emails to friends, or ways to connect with potential agents, or, or, or.

My brain seems to be wired for one thing. Picture books (and illustration ideas).

What’s the difference? Why do I have so many ideas for kids, for pretend, for fun, but so few ideas for everything else?

I wonder if after 46 weeks of concentrating on developing PB ideas, I’ve rewired my brain? Strengthened one skill and knocked out others? I’ll spend this week concentrating on blogs and tweets and posts. Let’s see if I can find anything.

2 thoughts on “New Posts

  1. What a wonderful project, David! You’re doing great, and your work is an inspiration for every writer!
    It doesn’t matter if you can’t find ideas for blog posts, the important thing is that you’re full of ideas for your stories!
    Keep up the excellent work! You rock!

    1. You are so right, and I do need to remind myself of that from time to time. The blog happens to be the public face of the project so I do worry about it, but ultimately it is about good picture book writing. Thanks!

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